​​​​​​​​Lindley Out of School Club
Quality, affordable childcare for the local community for over 30 years
Lindley Out of School Club is a Registered Charity and the Management Team is overseen by a voluntary Committee made up of parents like you.
Next Committee Meeting - Tuesday 4th February 2024 at 7.30pm on Zoom - please contact the office for the link
Jill Dyson
Vicky Golding
Devan Ridgwick
Neil Staniforth
Vice Chair
Our Club is only able to run because of parents’ attendance at Committee meetings. Meetings are held every 6/8 weeks and we ask you to attend at least one meeting a year.
We know how important the Club is to working parents, so we appeal to you to come to a meeting to discuss how the Club is run and be involved in shaping Club decisions. Make sure that our Club remains open for you, your children and the staff we employ!
If we don't have a Committee, we don't have a Club!
Our current committee consists of the following parents: